Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Gelly Hi-Shine.

Barry M recently released a new line of nail paints called 'Gelly Hi Shine' in 9 different shades, I spotted them the other week but have only recently tried out this shade! The pictures where slightly rushed and my nails are a state so I do apologise. I actually bought Pomegranate & Grapefruit. I have worn Grapefruit already but didn't get a picture! They both apply ridiculously well, one coat is almost opaque but two is perfect. It goes on very thick and smoothly, almost like 'Gelly'. I found Grapefruit to be extremely hard wearing too, I wore it for a week and only removed it today, no chips what so ever! Perfect. I had been in work on delivery shifts too which involves picking up heavy plastic boxes, pulling off plastic tags and ripping open plastic bags with my nails. So I thought that was impressive. This shade seemed a lot darker in store and I was slightly disappointed when I saw it in the daylight, none the less a lovely shade. I have my eye on Blueberry (a light blue) & Prickly Pear (a lilac) next!

Hope you enjoyed, 

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